Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015: The Upgrade Every Office Needs On Its 2015 Holiday Wish List

The release of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 is just around the corner. Its slated for a December release and is set to enhance the way you currently utilize your CRM tools. You might have also heard the new CRM release referred to as “Vega,” but it is the exact same product. We are really excited about the new Dynamics CRM release and want to share some of the incredible features with you.

The new version of Dynamics CRM will update online and on-premises versions, CRM for Outlook, tablets and phones, and Microsoft Dynamics Marketing. If you’re an online customer, you can schedule the specific date for your Dynamics CRM update. However, the CRM administrator will need to approve the update before it can actually happen. If you’re still operating on a version prior to the Spring 2014 release, you’ll also receive features from that update in addition to the 2015 one. If you’re an on-premises customer, you will be able to get your update after the actual product is released in December. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 has great additions to the current CRM tools you already use:

  • Product family creation: You’ll be able to group products together and give recommendations to customers on related products. This will allow you better cross-selling opportunities.
  • Mobile platform improvements: You’ll be able to create your own dashboards and analytics, personalize home pages and navigate by hierarchy. There will also be increased support for times when tablet apps are disconnected.
  • Sales process upgrades: You’ll now be able to guide your sellers to the outcomes you want to have with better branching logic and sales processes. This means you’ll have a more impactful process through automation and enforcement of business rules on any platform.
  • Outlook improvements: With the update, you’ll be able to set up CRM for Outlook easily with a redesigned Configuration Wizard. The update will allow you to sync assigned tasked and appointment attachments. Administrators will be able to control synchronization between pairs of fields. This will allow you to be more confident about where your data is coming from and how it’s being shared.

We’ve just highlighted a few of the many upgrades with the new version of Microsoft Dynamics. If you’d like to read more about the updates, technical changes and keep up on the release date for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015, please click here.

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