Maintaining Collaboration And Protecting Your Data While Working Remote

As companies are increasingly choosing to protect their employees during the COVID-19 outbreak by moving to a remote workplace, several questions and concerns arise. A work-from-home (WFH) model that is efficient, easily accessible and secure is paramount for both small and large businesses.

While adjusting to a new sense of “normal” in the workplace, it’s crucial that businesses and contractors alike equip themselves with the best tech platforms to make the virtual transition as seamless as possible. The following list of programs and software can help your company stay on track while integrating the WFH model into your day-to-day:

GoTo Meeting

An open line of communication amongst employees is crucial for maintaining workflow and a feeling of connectedness. One of the best ways to do this is by implementing 1:1 and large-group online meetings — tools like GoToMeeting offer companies the ability to screen share and keep AI-enabled transcripts of meetings. Additionally, video conferencing software can help streamline troubleshooting with clients; seeing and discussing an issue alongside a customer rather than over a series of emails or a phone call makes problem-solving efficient for all parties involved.


A VPN, or virtual private network, allows your company to transport private data across unknown networks — like a home WiFi system — securely. Enabling a multi-factor authentication (MFA) solution can help protect your VPN from phishing attempts or from anyone trying to gain unauthorized access. According to a 2019 Microsoft report, an MFA can help block up to 99.9% of attacks.

GoTo Webinar

Once you’ve established a way to maintain communication amongst employees, it is vital to continually reach out to your customer and/or follower base. GoTo Webinar allows businesses to host live online events with up to 3,000 attendees or recorded events up to 10,000 guests and can accommodate multiple time zones. By presenting to a large audience remotely and in return easily capturing data and feedback, your business can successfully continue to nurture an ongoing conversation with consumers.

Staying Secure Online

At MDL Technology, your company’s security is our number one concern. By offering services such as 24/7 support, network monitoring, offsite data backups, auditing and compliance and more, we help ensure that you don’t need to stress about your team’s private information becoming public — especially when you’ve moved all operations online for the time being.

Now more than ever, securing and delivering business data is critical. Our high-capacity transport solutions offer Wave, Fiber and DWDM techniques that ensure constant connectivity and seamless business operations so you can send data with ease and confidence.

This approach allows your business to scale network capacity needs to meet bandwidth needs — something that businesses, freelancers, and schools across the world will need to prioritize and familiarize themselves with during this time.

Learn more about the services we offer by visiting our website.

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