How Cloud Computing Can Benefit Your Business and Industry

Tired of storing data on your hard drive and worrying that you might lose those important files? With 94% of companies migrating critical applications and infrastructures to the cloud, what is stopping you? Is it adopting new skills or concerns that data too can get lost on the cloud? With the advantages of using both public and private cloud solutions, which give businesses more flexibility, here is why you should move your data resources to the cloud:

First, let us explain exactly what cloud computing does. The cloud is a storage option much like your hard drive, but it’s on the internet. Not only can files be stored on the cloud, but applications and resources can be stored and utilized through the cloud as well.

As a business, you choose a cloud provider that supplies a pay-as-you-go service to provide, customize and maintain your cloud account. The provider also maintains the network-connected hardware that provides an internet database for your business storage.

The cloud provides many benefits over using traditional hardware. Eventually, you will have more information than hard drive space and will have to invest in more physical storage. Compared to the affordability of cloud computing, paying for extra hard drive storage is expensive. Cloud computing storage space is endless, giving your business the opportunity to scale similar to enterprise organizations without paying for a data center.

Not only is cloud computing incredibly responsive, but it’s fast and easy to search and pull up information as you need it. You also have the ability to work from anywhere without being tied to an office desk, giving employees the flexibility to be more productive with easy access to resources.

Lastly, the cloud is a secure business operation option. Data breaches and hacks are happening right and left, but the cloud is customizable to provide various access levels to all of your employees. Unlike a hard drive, the cloud can provide information to certain users while blocking users from accessing more sensitive data. The encryption, or method of scrambling data so it’s unreadable to those who don’t have access, ensures that people outside of the authentication circle cannot access your data. From the medical industry to government, here is why you should store your data on the cloud:

The Magic of Cloud Computing

When you think of a cloud and its association with your computer, your first thought is probably, “that thing my iPhone tells me never has enough room to back up my phone’s information on.” While Apple’s iCloud system is probably the most prevalent cloud in today’s lexicon, more and more companies are getting on the cloud bandwagon to improve their systems and overall businesses. Take a look at how some large companies have utilized cloud systems and how you can apply their successes to your small business.

Forbes recently profiled three businesses that have successfully used cloud computing to make their businesses exponentially better. The Hartford has updated its IT systems to include a private cloud which the company hopes to use in an effort to reduce costs, improve the overall availability of its system and to bring products to market with greater speed. Delhaize America, most notable for its operation of Food Lion grocery stores, is using a SoftLayer cloud computing system to study how weather affects sales at its stores in an effort to help make smarter decisions about store inventory. Pearson, an education company, is using its cloud systems to supply digital educational materials to fast-growing markets like South Africa and China to alleviate the costs of having to have a physical presence in those countries.

MDL Technology Is Here To Help

Cloud computing is one of the best options for helping your business to become more efficient and increase sales. Implementing this structure into your company can help get you ahead of the competition that is not utilizing tech effectively.

When you decide to switch to the cloud, your company’s security is our top priority. We offer services such as 24/7 support, network monitoring, offsite data backups, auditing and compliance and more to help ensure that you don’t need to stress about your team’s private information becoming public.

Learn more about the services we offer by visiting our website.

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