Top Industries That Need Cybersecurity

As the economy slowly recovers and industries plan for a post-pandemic life, now is the time to factor cybersecurity into your business’ budget. Cybersecurity is essential to keep your products, finances and employees protected.  The increase in people working remotely has led to greater exposure to cyber risks. In fact, according to Deloitte, during the


What’s a Disaster Recovery Plan?

When you start your day, you’ll hop onto the computer, check your emails and then get started for your day. You may send a quick IM to one of your team members to confirm a Zoom meeting later this afternoon before getting to work. You open a spreadsheet to evaluate some recent data in order


Senate Passes K-12 Cybersecurity Act to Protect Schools from Cyberattacks

With the start of the school year getting underway, an impactful bill follows. This past month, the Bipartisan K-12 Cybersecurity Act passed the Senate, and with it, shines a new spotlight on the importance of cybersecurity on our K-12 school districts.  Whether private or public, magnet or charter, these schools hold valuable information that, before


Cybersecurity Trends for 2022

It’s never too early to start preparing your business for 2022. We have reached the halfway point of 2021 and we are already seeing important data security trends that may affect your cybersecurity plan for the next fiscal year.  Cybersecurity is becoming more and more crucial for companies as cyberattacks are now the fastest growing


Closing The Digital Skills Gap

Keeping your data secure and exclusive is, and will always, be a top priority for society. Whether it be bank information, photographs or confidential business intell, you deserve to have your data protected and stored without the impending doom of a security breach.  New innovations and technological advances are always being updated, changed and modified


2021 Continuous Authentication: Why Your Business Needs It

If there’s one rule when it comes to the business world it’s that you can never be too prepared or too cautious. One of the most crucial parts of owning a business is knowing you and your team’s information is fully protected. The last thing you want for your employees or your clients is a


2021 Cybersecurity Protocols For A Hybrid Workforce

With COVID-19 restrictions lifting, companies around the nation are reopening their doors. And that means employees are heading back to the office. Well, at least some are. According to TechRepublic, 63% of employers plan to introduce or expand a combination of remote and on-site working. But how will this impact your cybersecurity infrastructure at your


The Biggest Data Breaches and Trends Heading Into 2021

Many cybersecurity experts identify 2020 to be the turning point for data breaches and total cyberattacks. Data breaches skyrocketed last year with 31 billion records compromised in a span of just 12 months, according to Canalys. This means a shocking 171% increase from the previous year. According to ZDNet, since 2005, a total of 55


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