5 Tips To Keep Your Small Business Secure

Small businesses are an obvious target for cyberattackers because their security budgets are usually limited. However, as a business grows, so does its vulnerabilities. Nearly 50% of all cyberattacks target small businesses, and of those small businesses that are victims of a cyberattack, 60% go out of business within six months. Some small business leaders may know already that their IT security systems are lagging behind their competitors, but simply don’t know where to start. Here are five tips for small businesses to keep in mind when establishing a security strategy:

Strengthen and Varying Up Your Passwords

Strong passwords are a must as well as changing your password regularly. According to the Better Business Bureau, using different passwords for a variety of accounts is important, along with using strong and unique passwords so it’s harder for hackers to access your computer system. It’s also important to address the need for strong passwords with your staff and implement a policy that stresses their value.

Back-Up ALL of Your Systems

Hackers will often use ransomware to target small businesses because they’re less likely to have adequate security measures and backup systems in place. Today’s software architectures offer hackers a multitude of critical systems and data that can be held for ransom, which makes backup systems and security strategies essential parts of a small business’s success.

Monitor Your Personal Devices

Since small businesses often run on low capital, employees might be using personal devices to access company data. If this is the case, be sure to implement policies that allow you to install monitoring software, push automatic security updates and call for regular password changes. That way, there is a security network set in place that won’t put your employees (or company) at risk.

Take Advantage of the Cloud

According to The Balance Small Business, cloud technology helps keeps small businesses competitive within their market. A cloud service is a reputable and secure way to store yours and your clients’ data. By putting your company data on the cloud, you can take advantage of the cloud storage’s extra built-in security protections, like firewalls and data encryption.

Invest. Invest. Invest.

In a recent survey, 81 percent of executives admitted that a lack of cybersecurity compromised their businesses over the past two years. Since small businesses are the most attractive target for cybercriminals, you should take those extra steps to ensure your data is extra secure. Be sure to invest heavily in security systems to make sure your company doesn’t fall victim to a cyberattack.

At MDL Technology, your company’s security is our number one concern. By offering services such as 24/7 support, network monitoring, offsite data backups, auditing and compliance and more, we help ensure that you don’t need to stress about your team’s private information becoming public. Learn more about the services we offer by visiting our website.

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